Activity: Stating an Opinion—World Oceans Day


  • Learn about the importance of the world’s oceans
  • Learn about World Oceans Day on June 8
  • Develop writing skills through writing an op-ed article


Intermediate - Advanced


  1. Read the Op-Ed Phrase Sheet before class to see how facts and opinions are used in writing an
    op-ed essay in English.
  2. Print the World Oceans Day: Word Search worksheet. At least one copy per group is needed, preferably one copy per student.
  3. Print the World Oceans Day Reading, preferably one copy per student.
  4. Print the Op-Ed Outline Template. One copy per group is needed, preferably one per student.
  5. Load the Celebrate World Oceans Day video prior to class.
  6. An op-ed is a page of a newspaper where opinions are expressed by individuals on a topic they are concerned about. The goal of this lesson is to help students learn English opinion phrases by
    writing an op-ed piece about saving the oceans. This style of writing is also common in American university classes in which students learn how to support opinion with fact.


  1. Begin the lesson by activating student schema. Ask the class what makes oceans important.
  2. To warm up, watch the Celebrate World Oceans Day video. Students can use the video’s facts in
    their op-ed essays. Replay the video if needed so students can write down the facts in the video.
  3. Give each student (or group) a copy of World Oceans Day reading. Have the class read silently or have student take turns reading the passage aloud.
  4. Give each student (or group) a copy of World Oceans Day word search. Words in bold can be found in the word search.
  5. In groups or individually, have the students solve the word search.
  6. Review the word search vocabulary as a class. The facts can be used for their opinion essays.
  7. Using the facts from the three sources, have the students fill out their Op-Ed Template to create
    an op-ed piece to send to the American English Facebook page.

Adapt It To Your Class

  • If students struggle with the material, have the class write short opinion-only paragraphs instead of an op-ed that uses the facts from the class activities.

Celebrate World Oceans Day Content Spotlight